Price and Process

1. Find Your Helper

You can choose the candidate you like. The available candidates are updated every day.

2. Book the interview

4 options

  • Home interview 300 Baht

  • Office interview 0 Baht

  • Online interview 100 Baht

  • Try-Out 100 Baht/hr

3. Interview with candidate

Hire (one time payment). Price is different, depending on job and free guarantee period.

Agency fee for Maid / Nanny / Elder care

Duration Price 1 Month Guarantee, 1 Time Replacement 6 Month Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement 1 Year ​Guarantee, Unlimited Replacement
Full time 4500 THB
6600 THB
10500 THB
Part time 3600 THB
4500 THB
6600 THB
Duration Price Guarantee
Full time 4500 THB 1 Month Guarantee, 1 Time Replacement
6600 THB 6 Month Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement
10500 THB 1 Year ​Guarantee, Unlimited Replacement
Part time 3600 THB 1 Month Guarantee, 1 Time Replacement
4500 THB 6 Month Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement
6600 THB 1 Year ​Guarantee, Unlimited Replacement

(Excluding VAT)

Agency fee for Premium Nanny

Duration Price 3 Months Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement 6 Months Guarantee, Unlimited Times Replacement
Full time 8400 THB
Part time 6300 THB
Duration Price Guarantee
Full time 8400 THB 3 Months Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement
Part time 6300 THB 3 Months Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement

(Excluding VAT)

Agency fee for Driver

Duration Price 3 Months Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement 6 Months Guarantee, 6 Times Replacement 1 Year Guarantee, 12 Times Replacement
Full time 10500 THB
18000 THB
24000 THB
Part time 6500 THB
8400 THB
10500 THB
Duration Price Guarantee
Full time 10500 THB 3 Months Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement
18000 THB 6 Months Guarantee, 6 Times Replacement
24000 THB 1 Year Guarantee, 12 Times Replacement
Part time 6500 THB 3 Months Guarantee, 3 Times Replacement
8400 THB 6 Months Guarantee, 6 Times Replacement
10500 THB 1 Year Guarantee, 12 Times Replacement

(Excluding VAT)

4. Payment Method

  • Cash payment

  • Bank Transfer

    • Account name Ayasan Service Co., Ltd.
    • Bank Name Kasikorn Bank
    • Account NO. 069-2-73527-7
    • Account Type Saving account
  • Credit Card or Paypal

Payment by Paypal/Credit Card

Click on Paypal button to pay by Paypal account. Or click on credit card type to pay by credit card.

Agency fee for Maid / Nanny / Elder care

Agency fee for Premium Nanny